So you want a T-Shirt Quilt

Whether you are just interested in getting more information or you are dead set on having one, here is a little information to understand the process of getting your very own T-shirt quilt.

Step 1: Let me know that you want one! Contact me via facebook, email me (, or any other method that suits you.

Step 2: Decide how many squares you want on your quilt. Click here to scroll through old blog posts to see different quilts that i have made. Then start picking out your shirts! Sweatshirts, and jerseys work too! (Pretty much anything that can be cut into a 14x14 inch square can be used).

Step 3: We will set up a time to go to JoAnns to pick out the fabric you want for your blanket. At this time you will also give me your shirts along with a design layout of the order you want your t-shirts. If you are ordering from out of the area, I will have you ship your shirts to me, and I will help you pick out fabric you like online.

Step 4: I will make your quilt! When I am done you can come pick it up and make your payment. Depending on the time of year and number of current orders, the speed at which i will finish will vary. If you are ordering for out of the area, I will ship it to you and you can pay for your quilt via my etsy page (secured through PAYPAL). Shipping and Handling charges will be added to your total.

Step 6: ENJOY!

Pricing: $9 per t-shirt square.

if you would like additional 'patches' sewn on, they are $4 each. View this postto see what i mean!