Monday, October 17, 2011

Such Is Life.

I have a serious case of crafting. You know, the oh my gosh that looks so easy i want to try it sickness. It keeps me from studying. It makes me spend money. And it makes me feel really giddy inside. As you can see, this is win-lose situation. My creativity wins, and my homework and grades lose. 

I find myself repeating... i'll do this!... i'll do this!...i'll make this! And the sad fact of the matter is that i probably won't have time to finish my list of items until summer. I think we just found the secret folks. Don't tell anyone... shhhhhhhh.... i wish it was still summer.

This is why i miss them!
Now all you autumn lovers out there are rolling your eyes at me. Its okay. Go right ahead. But let me cue you in on something first. While yes, fall is a great time full of baking and costumes and leaves, for me it is full of books, highlighters, notecards, and midterms. YUCK. Hence, when i  think of summer, hot days sewing, seeing my duddy, hanging out with my sisters... i get a knot in my stomach. The kind of knot that says... is it here yet?

What about now?

And unfortunately I am still quite a few months away. MONTHS. sheesh. All I can do is discipline myself to stay focused on my grades, so that when summer does come, I will have three whole months of solid crafting. 

quilts. blankets. skirts. books. dresses. pillows. Coming to Miss Montana's Summer 2012!

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